Saturday, December 17, 2005


at last semalam aku singgah jugak Sekretariat. mana x nyer..abih sumer org Frau Meyer tuh tanyer mana Herr Rahim nie pg..x nak sijil ker?

Well di cn aku nak announce kat korang yg aku dpt jugak sijil VorDiplom (predegree)..eheh..baper noten aku dpt tu..segan la nak ckp..x bukannyer terer pon, org lain sumer dah lm dpt dah..dah dekat nak abih blaja dah..

secondly..aku pick Konstruktion und Entwicklung as major (construction n development) seperti jugak am, che n budak2 kiter yg lain..x de masa aku nak amik Energietechnik.. korang nak ke ngadap thermo 2?? thermo 1 pon aku x lepas lg nihh..

earlier dis week aku dpt dah sijil utk 1st praktikal aku last sem kat Daimler..lmbt gak arr diorang antor..dah la nama bapak aku susun terbalik pehtu kat dlm testimonial diorang dikutuknyer aku kaw2..tau la aku nie Auslander,,xde hebat ckp at least tulis la sumthing yg sedap nak didengar.. baik ke.. berbudi bahasa ke..ini x..tulis betul2 honest punyer..

which roughly translates :
Herr Rahim took care of the work assigned to him and produced satisfactory performance. it was connected to a certain effort ,at least not because of language barrier, that his work contents were understood (means keje yg aku buat diorang kene cek betul2 dulu barula diorang paham pastu baru la diorang accept) .Herr Rahim was a
self-restrain, quite n introvert worker. After a survey from us at the end of his practicum, he wasn't 100% sure that n working as a constructor/engineer is right field for him. ( aku ekceli nak ckp yg aku probably xkan jd engineer kat jerman tp kat cam susah jer aku bos aku interpret yg aku x nak jg engineer langsung..apa daa)
We write this circumstance, that on the fact Herr Rahim is still in the first practical semester. we thanked him for his performance and pleasant cooperation bla bla bla...

ishh3..aku rasa cam nak amik senapang bapak aku n gi tembak diorang nie..

diorang expect kite nak pg sembang ngan diorang cam kite sembang kat kedai mamak..mana boleh..kita ckp bahasa diorang tu pon kira diorang ptt bangga dah..

cube soh diorang blajo b. melayu..bole ke x..kat klas blaja melayu standard surat rasmi tp kat luar pakai bahasa pasar..mau x biol diorang.. tu blom lg pg kedah or kelantan..


At December 18, 2005 4:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ala...bese la...sensei2 jepun lg jahat...kondem abes2an dpn2 muke kite...siap ckp xlayak dok sini lg...mcm la diorg bagus sgt...bdk diorg pon hampeh...tu sume discrimination...sabor je ler...


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