a lesson learnt
Today God decided dat it was time for me for another lesson in Life 101.. ekceli it wasn't anything new..tp bile kite ´menjalani liku2 kehidupan´,, we tend to forget important rules of life..So somehow someway ade jer sesaper yg muncul to remind us of them..
camni alkisahnye;
today i attended 8am class (eheh.rajin lak aku ari nie), Fahrzeugkonstruktion.. a class similar to LK(lukisan kejuruteraan) during highschool tp lebih kpd kete,, lukis body kete to be exact..
tgh sibuk lukis2..Herr Goebel came to me to see if i need some help..dia pandang jer lukisan aku..
then he asked; " awak sure ke lukisan awak buat nie betul?"
"betul cam ne?" i asked myself..aku blank kejap..
Herr Goebel: "cube awak compare pandangan depan n tepi A-pillar ni dgn pndngan atas yg awak buat..cam ner curve ni pg cam nie n curve tu pg camtu? awak rasa logik x result yg awak dpt?"
me: "errr..ye le kot..ntah ler cikgu..dah saya lukis2 pehtu dpt camtu..betulla rasanyerr"
H. Goebel: "bole awak terang kat saya bah. mana kat kete yg buat curve tuh jd camni?"
me:"err..uuu..arrrr..good question..".. eheh..
dia dah geleng2 kepala..by dat time i knew i'm in trouble..i just tersengih jerr
H.Goebel:"nnt kan..awak nie bile habis blaja awak akan jd Diplom-Ingenieur.. bile keje nnt ade time awak dilantik jd head for some project or jd bos utk dept awak..as a boss awak kene make sure sumer keje yg grup awak buat tu betul/fit wit other parts/functioning.. nampak ok jer x semestinyer betul..pastu bile betul awak kene confident awak yg dah cek sumer..sbb pas nie awak akan sign dokumen mengatakan project dah siap n diperiksa"
H.Goebel:"projek yg siap akan dihantar ke production,,kat situ duit byk dilaburkan..bile dah produce tp tgk2 ade error..awak le yg responsible.."
i said nothing...he has a point,very good one..haahh..amik ko..kene sebijik aku ari nie..
only then he took out small merc modell car n explained how did i get that result.. mmg betul la keje aku ekceli..
moral: always check n recheck ur work and be confident about it..
haha...kene gedebuk skali...
bese la...recheck keje...silap kecik2 kdg tu xpasan maa memule...
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