Tuesday, January 10, 2006

so beautiful

last 2 weeks aku asyik dok melayan Malaysian Most Beautiful.. yess i know citer nie dah basi.. tp wat to say.. aku kan bukan dok kat mesia.. so x dapek arr nak tgk tv..

anyway.. courtesy of torrent malaya dpt jugak aku mendonlod till ep 5.. kl x, x le la nak tgk..

ekceli aku x minat mende2 reality show nie.. tp since ewa beria nak tgk .. so donlod laa..

so ..what do u think of this show.. hmm .. most people say it is about getiks women meloncat2 kat depan kamera..well me.. hmm.. let me think...

ok ..since aku dah watch till ep 5 so aku kasik komen up to ep 5 jugak laa..

firstly.. about the participants:

ok.. it is undeniable yg sumtimes diorang nie mmg getiks..buat naughty dance laa.. exercise lebih2 depan camera laa.. as if nak tunjuk her 'big' asset.. yes we know that God has granted u with a beautiful body.. n x salah nak tunjuk.. tp jgn la lebey2..

tp that was nothing compared with the a number of fights they had..bayangkann.. baru ep 2 dah gaduh giler2.. siap 'bitch' pon kuar..

adoihhh.. aku rasa mcm duduk kat jungle Taman Negara pon ade gak.. full of female monkeys tgh berebut2 makanan..

hmm..maybe its a normal thing to happen if u put a group of women who dont know each other in one room..either they immediately jadik best frens or palestin n israel.. killing each other..

maybe itu la sbb penganjur buat show nie.. becos they know this will happen.. kl buat show pasal laki.. like... Malaysia's Most Gorgeous Man ker... mesti bosan .. sbb guys jenis x kesah n mmg malas nak gaduh.. nak2 kl kat depan camera..x macho arr..

kl gaduh pon xde nyer perang2 mulut.. boh tgn n kaki jer.. silap2 cameraman pon join sama..

well.. itu psl peserta..about the show n judges lak aku rasa the first 4 shows tuh xde mende sgt..
no real challenge..

like.. mekap n dress up ur best frens.. pastu buat catwalk..come on laa.. byk gik mende bole buat..ok.. diorang kate ade la sbb tersirat.. eg: memahami ape yg best fren kite suka etc. but still x de challenge sgt..

smp la ep 5 br la sedap skit tgk.. sbb diorang buat real work.. pastu gik interview.. haa.. camtu br la best.. dpt tgk what they're really capable of doing..

about the judges.. nothing much to comment except they kicked a bit too many people at first.. ye laa.. awal2 lg dah buang 3 org.. kata minah2 nie kene stay for 3 months tp at this rate it will last only for 5 weeks..

lg pon don u think that eliminating participants at first week is quite too early..too early to say that they don hv what it takes to be in MMB.. even AF pon x buang org dlm first week (so far kan?).. sbb kite x lihat byk pasal diorang..so maybe x cukup nak judgment..

yet i'm just an outsider.. just penonton.. so kite x tau real thing that happen inside the show.. this opinion is based only on wat they put in the show..kite x tau ape diorang x tunjuk unless ade org dlm..

so thats it for now about it.. nnt dah tgk nx episodes br komen lg laa


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