Friday, April 28, 2006


printer aku dah abis ink.. so ptg td aku pg la Kaufhof nak beli ink baru.As usual, original ink agak mahal skit.. so aku choose alternative manufacturer. ade cap Pelikan punyer.. 1 piece black inj cartridge rege dia 8,95€..which means kl beli 2 = 17,90€ kl beli bundle set punyer mestila rege dia kurang dr 17,90€ tp lebih dr 8,95€. betul x ?

tp ape yg aku baca.. kl beli 2 cartridge rege dia 7,95€.. ?????.. aku siap tanye kat counter..diorang pon blank..apsal beli 2 lg murah dr 1? ..mmm ntah laa.. dah rege dia camtu..anyway aku beli je la..

maybe some of you kate..`lorr... dia kasi rege murah pon nak bising..diam je laa´ ..true.. tp cube kl kite put ourselves in the shoes of tuan punye kedai..x rase itu melingkupkan kompeni ke? no wonder la Germany nih economically hampeh..diorang nie technology sgt power.. tp lemah kat management..especially dlm bisness..

Sunday, April 16, 2006

alkisah seorang landlord turki

^^hmm.. ini ade 1 cerita..aku kan dok kat umah sewa..dulu kat hostel tp dah kuar sbb nak praxissemester..

so cari la umah baru yg dekat ngan town.. nak carik umah ni bukan senang weehh.. macam pg interview keje lak.. tgk kat suratkabo n internet.. kl ade kene buat appoinment.. saper yg nak interview?.. of cos la budak2 yg dok umah dlm umah tu which is rata2 budak jerman..diorang cari pengganti bg kwn yg dah kuar..

tp usually kita yg
PADI ni ( Pendatang Asing Dengan Izin) slalu nyer diorang xnak..dpt lak nama ade Mohammad ker,, ´bin´ kerr.. lg la x dpt.. tp end up dpt jugak bilik..rumah 2bilik..tuan punyer ni pakcik turki dok sorang2..dia nak sewa kan 1bilik kat org..he seemed nice n plus aku xde choice lain n plus dlm town which quite strategic so aku amek je laa.. and that was 1 year ago..

aper citer ngan org tua nie?? begini alkisah nyer.. selama sethn dok ngan pakcik nie..ade gak korek2 n dpt la skit citer psl dia..

dia nie ekceli dah lama hijrah ke sini..rumah yg aku dok nie pon asalnyer milik syrkt tmpt dia keje dulu..bile dia pencen diorang kasik terus la umah nie..

umur dah 60+...patut nyer bergumbira bersama2 anak2 n cucu2.. tp dok kat sini sorang2.. x kawen ker?? korek punyer korek baru dpt tau yg dia nie dah cerai ngan bini dia.. anak2 pon sumer kat tinggal la sini sorang2..

aku korek lg..oohh.. kat sini ade gak dia kawen lg utk pengganti.. minah turki muda..tak tau muda cam relatif ngan pakcik nie kire muda la ..sempat la ade anak laki sorang.. tp last2 cerai gak sbb katanye bini dia ade laki lain..kesiannn... tp x abeh gi citer..

so bile kene tinggal..dok la dia sorang2..ape dia buat ari2? laa.. nama pon pensioner..buat bodo je laa..eheh.. lawak bangang lak aku..

rutin harian: bgn pg buat kopi n tgk tv..tgh ari masak ala turki dia or buat roti n continue tgk tv.. ptg pkl 6-7 kuar gi swimming utk keep his body fit..then bile dia blk buat mkn mlm n smbg tgk tv lg.. pastu tido..

itula kisah n aktiviti harian seorang yg dah pencen tp xde keluarga.. sesungguhnyer kl aku tua nnt x la idup mcm dia..mintak simpang..citer akan bersambung

Monday, January 30, 2006


td aku br blk dr mannheim..stadi kat tmpt ewa..kat rumah aku x leh nak stadi.. nak buat camner.
byk ari nie kene la blk.. esok nak exam

anyway.. today's story is about sumthing dat happened on my way back home..

firstly.. as intro.. Germany has an excellent transportation system..which are buses, subs, trams n trens.. jadual pon well organized n punctual too..

so people often take trens kl nak travel within germany.. same thing goes with me.. in my case..
kl nak pg mannheim.. i naik
ICE (InterCityExpress) .. german's bullet tren..rentas satu germany.. lalu kat main cities like mine

ulm- mannheim is about 300-400km.. ICE just needs 1H40min jer.. bole jer kl nak naik tren kashmir.. tp 4-5jam gak mmg save a lot of time kl naik ICE..

but u know.. living in a developed country is not cheap.. kat mesia pon brg dak makin mahal.. ini pulak kat german.. dat includes tranportation cost... in other words.. tambang kete api.. mahal woo.. kl nak tren kashmir pon still agak mahal laa unless u buy group tickets..

luckily dlm ICE kite bole beli tiket dlm tren.. unlike tren biasa yg kite kene beli tiket dl sblom naik..

diorang allow beli tiket dlm ICE sbb nak senangkan org in case x smpt nak beli sblom naik.. tp memandangkan aku nie org mesia yg terkenal dgn suka mencari ruang utk amek peluang pon menggunakan peluang baik ini.. aku pon bukannye kaya pon ye x?? kayap ade laa

don get me wrong.. aku bukannyer x nak bayar.. as a good consumer aku mesti nak bayar tiket la kan..

well..u know.. sumtimes during rush hour pg n ptg,, ICE is soo packed with passengers smp kene berdiri the whole journey that ticket conductor yg cek n jual ticket x smp2 lg kat kite smp la kite turun tren tuh..nak buat cam ner.. aku nak beli tiket.. dia yg x dtg..

sumtimes bile aku dlm tren.. aku penat yg amat sgt dat aku ngantuk n kene tido.. although aku jenis x leh lena dlm tren kene paksa tido jugak or at least tido2 ayam..then bile conductor dtg,, dia tgk aku nie tido cam dah lama sgt..bukan cam org yg br naik tren.. 'dah beli tiket la nie td' or so he\she thought.. so he\she just passed by me without waking me up..hmm aku nak bayar nie.. tp diorang x kejut kan aku..kl x sure la aku bayar kann..

n there are times yg bile aku nak pg toilet for whatever reason,, time tu laa conductor tu br nak nmpk btg hidung..aku punyer la tunggu lm dah.. bile org nak toilet br nak dtg.. n by the time aku kuar toilet... he\she was already long gone..sighhh.....

so u see..kite ikhlas nak beli tiket..diorang je yg x dpt nak jual...ehemmm

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Malaysia’s Most Beautiful

hmm.. nmpk nyer show nie pon dah melabohkan tirainye .. Congratulation to Dilla sbb menang show nie.. murah betul rezeki dia.. dpt mcm2.. n yg plg best dpt kondo sebiji.. amek ko.. puas ati..

ekceli after 5 ep aku dah x tgk dah citer nie.. sibok kan.. malas nak donlod..

rupe2 nyer this show bole tgk kat internet thru dia nyer website :
  • Malaysia’s Most Beautiful Official Website
  • tp nnt2 la aku tgk..

    rasanyer ade x 2nd season? ..of course la ade kan.. tobat sambutan dia lg hangat pas nie..

    Friday, January 13, 2006


    ok.. exam schedule dah out.. so let see..

    31.01.2006: Strömungslehre (Fluid Mechanics)
    progress: setakat nie just kg klas..x tau pon ape blaja..kuar dr klas je everything terus hilang..

    01.02.2006: Regelungstechnik (Control engineering)
    progress: still x tau mende..pakcik tu pon asyik bebel2 kan depan..mostly bende yg xde kaitan..
    budak2 lain bosan je.. dah klas dia dua2 pkl 8pg.. x larat nak bgn (as usual)

    02.02.2006:Konstruktionslehre 4 (Construction)
    progress: aku x nak amek paper ngan cikgu nie.. ntah hape2 dia ajar.. cikgu br la katakan.. notes dia mmg x phm.. budak2 asyik nyumpah2 die nie.. ntah hape la dia ajar.. so aku nak amek paper ngan Herr Seider sem depan.. ngan dia nie mmg phm laa..

    03.02.2006: Fertigungstechnik (Production engineering)
    progress: subjek membaca.. damn.. aku mmg x suke mmbaca.. kene byk hafal.. aku mmg lemah bab2 hafal nie..cehh x padan dgn nama pon...nasib baik ape yg kuar dlm exam tuh limited..x kuar 1 buku..kl x naya jerr.. nak hafal ayat jerman lg..

    06.02.2006: Thermodynamik (everyone know.. x yah nak translate)
    progress: the only thing yg aku tgh concentrate skarang.. susah beb..tu pon br nak paham skit2.. after lebih 1 year blaja n still knew nothing ..

    07.02.2006: Fahrwerktechnik(Undercarriage technology)
    progress: ini subjek mmg pasal kete..bab2 jenis axle, spring, damper.. x start blaja lg

    10.02.2006: Höhere Festigkeitslehre (Advanced mechanics of materials)
    progress: pon x start blaja lg..subjek nie psl strength n stress dlm material cth nyer steel tp lg advanced laa...

    Tuesday, January 10, 2006

    so beautiful

    last 2 weeks aku asyik dok melayan Malaysian Most Beautiful.. yess i know citer nie dah basi.. tp wat to say.. aku kan bukan dok kat mesia.. so x dapek arr nak tgk tv..

    anyway.. courtesy of torrent malaya dpt jugak aku mendonlod till ep 5.. kl x, x le la nak tgk..

    ekceli aku x minat mende2 reality show nie.. tp since ewa beria nak tgk .. so donlod laa..

    so ..what do u think of this show.. hmm .. most people say it is about getiks women meloncat2 kat depan kamera..well me.. hmm.. let me think...

    ok ..since aku dah watch till ep 5 so aku kasik komen up to ep 5 jugak laa..

    firstly.. about the participants:

    ok.. it is undeniable yg sumtimes diorang nie mmg getiks..buat naughty dance laa.. exercise lebih2 depan camera laa.. as if nak tunjuk her 'big' asset.. yes we know that God has granted u with a beautiful body.. n x salah nak tunjuk.. tp jgn la lebey2..

    tp that was nothing compared with the a number of fights they had..bayangkann.. baru ep 2 dah gaduh giler2.. siap 'bitch' pon kuar..

    adoihhh.. aku rasa mcm duduk kat jungle Taman Negara pon ade gak.. full of female monkeys tgh berebut2 makanan..

    hmm..maybe its a normal thing to happen if u put a group of women who dont know each other in one room..either they immediately jadik best frens or palestin n israel.. killing each other..

    maybe itu la sbb penganjur buat show nie.. becos they know this will happen.. kl buat show pasal laki.. like... Malaysia's Most Gorgeous Man ker... mesti bosan .. sbb guys jenis x kesah n mmg malas nak gaduh.. nak2 kl kat depan camera..x macho arr..

    kl gaduh pon xde nyer perang2 mulut.. boh tgn n kaki jer.. silap2 cameraman pon join sama..

    well.. itu psl peserta..about the show n judges lak aku rasa the first 4 shows tuh xde mende sgt..
    no real challenge..

    like.. mekap n dress up ur best frens.. pastu buat catwalk..come on laa.. byk gik mende bole buat..ok.. diorang kate ade la sbb tersirat.. eg: memahami ape yg best fren kite suka etc. but still x de challenge sgt..

    smp la ep 5 br la sedap skit tgk.. sbb diorang buat real work.. pastu gik interview.. haa.. camtu br la best.. dpt tgk what they're really capable of doing..

    about the judges.. nothing much to comment except they kicked a bit too many people at first.. ye laa.. awal2 lg dah buang 3 org.. kata minah2 nie kene stay for 3 months tp at this rate it will last only for 5 weeks..

    lg pon don u think that eliminating participants at first week is quite too early..too early to say that they don hv what it takes to be in MMB.. even AF pon x buang org dlm first week (so far kan?).. sbb kite x lihat byk pasal maybe x cukup nak judgment..

    yet i'm just an outsider.. just penonton.. so kite x tau real thing that happen inside the show.. this opinion is based only on wat they put in the show..kite x tau ape diorang x tunjuk unless ade org dlm..

    so thats it for now about it.. nnt dah tgk nx episodes br komen lg laa

    Saturday, January 07, 2006

    aku geram

    ok.. this is yesterday's story.. tp ari nie br aku ade mood nak citer..

    cam nie alkisahnyer.. memandangkan umah aku dah kehabisan stok makanan proper (e.g. beras n ayam/daging) so kene la aku kuar umah.. smp bile aku nak rely kat megi ye x?

    so i went out to Mizan, the only kedai ayam halal kat ulm.. tp tutup?? hmm br pkl 5 ptg.. ok. now ayam n daging are out of question.. so aku decide nak beli beras kampit kat indian shop.. aku x suka beras langkorn dlm peket.. but since bus no 7 dah terlepas so aku pon menapak ke kedai tu...

    tp bl smp jerr.. ohh s**t!! tutup jugak!! apsal sumer tutup nie?? dah la bas no7 yg nak blk ke bahnhof pon br terlepas.. kene pulak kaki aku still sakit.. yupp, dr 2weex ago tp x baik2 lg..

    ´ok.. wat to do now??´.. ok beras peket bole beli kat memane kedai tp lauk? haaa.. ape kata aku makan ikan hering kat jual kaufland tu..

    so now menapak back to bahnhof.. by then dah 5:30pm ..ptt ade bas 38 or 8 yg ke kaufland tp xde pon.. so tunggu le lg.. that bas dtg every 15min so next is 5:45pm..

    tp smp pkl 6 btg hidung bas tu pon aku x nmpk.. aku siap smpt layan milkshake kat mcD lg tu..
    aku mls laa nak jln kaki lg sbb kaki dah capek blk.. ok last chance.. aku tunggu smp pkl 6:30

    by then bas tu pon xdtg2 jugak.. ape nie?? cuti ape lak diorang nie?? mizan tutup bole la aku phm sbb nx week nak raya haji tp diorang??

    so since aku dah kenyang telan milkshake tu. aku pon blk la umah.. dah sejam tahan sejuk kat luar.. dah x larat maa.. singgah kejap ke kedai asia imbiss.. kot2 bole pesan nasi goreng... tp huhuu.. tutup jugak daa!!

    last2 kat umah aku bantai roti jer.. itu la rezeki aku smalam... aku redha je laa...

    today.. i went out again.. 1stly try pg usha mizan .. aik??? bukak lak.. pelik.. so ade la lauk bole beli.. then smp kat busstop theater, dtg la bas yg nak ke kaufland tu.. both buses lak tu.. no 38 n 8.. eee geramnyerr aku..

    so aku teringat la.. kekadang tu kan.. bile kite nak sumthing.. mesti bende tu xde.. cari laa or tunggu laa smp berjanggut pon.... xkan jumpak nyerr.. tp bile kite dah x nak.. berduyun2 bende dtg kat kite.. that was wat happened to me today.. again..

    eheh.. walau pon lauk dah ade tp aku bakar potato jer.. alasannyer x nak membazir.. alaa astar.. ckp je la ko malas.. kan senang..

    Wednesday, January 04, 2006

    Why lelaki kawin lambat????

    taken from my mailbox..pls read..

    Why lelaki kawin lmbt????

    Malaysians are getting married at older age. Why?
    Let me give an example.
    It is a little bit long example. If you want
    to skip it, there is a
    summary at the end.

    Say you are a fresh graduate at that age of 23, a
    male, starting a carrier
    as an executive officer working somewhere in KL with
    a salary, say RM2000
    per month and without any saving in the bank.
    Monthly, extracting your
    expenditures on foods, transportation (public or
    motorcycle), electricity,
    water, phone, house rent and other expenses, say you
    can save about RM800
    the most. Then, because you are a good son, you
    send some money to your
    parents or relatives about RM300 per month. This will
    give you a balance of
    RM500 of saving. For the first year, maybe you are
    very discipline with
    your budget, so you save about RM5000.

    The next year at the age of 24, you meet a girl of
    your dream. Both of you
    plan to get married after one year or two. Ok,
    that's fine, it gives you
    time to save some more money and some more time
    to prepare the basic
    necessities for a 'happy' family? a car and a roof to
    live under. That year
    because you are a hard worker, you get a raise of 10%.
    Since you are also a
    gentleman, you make sure some money is put aside
    to spend on dates and
    gifts for your girl, so 10% goes for her. Like the
    previous year, after
    much sweat and meggie-eating months, you save another
    RM5000. Your company
    is doing ok. You are paid 2 months bonus. So,
    another RM4000 is added to
    your saving. So, your total saving now is
    RM14,000. You decide to spend
    about RM8000 on a brand-new RM40,000 car
    down payment. So, you net saving
    that year is RM6000.

    The next year at the age of 25, you are doing fine
    at work. But because
    now you have to pay for car every month, your total
    monthly saving is cut
    down to about RM400. You save roughly about RM5000
    that year. No bonus that
    year because your company is doing poor. So, your
    total saving in the bank
    is RM11,000. Then, you decide to get engaged with
    your girlfriend. She
    said OK. So, need to buy an engagement ring. RM1500
    is spent on ring plus
    'hantaran pertunangan'. So, your net saving that year
    is RM9,500.

    The next year at the age of 26, you get promoted. Your
    salary now is 1.5 of
    your starting salary at the company. Good news! You
    think. "Ok, this year
    I will get married". You also are 'gersang' already.

    So, you ask your fiancée "how much is the dowry
    (hantaran)? "
    She say, "berapa-berapa yang u sanggup".
    You ask,"RM5000 ok?".
    She replies, "I okay je. Tapi my mom tu. Dia kata
    grad oversea macam I ni
    mane boleh letak rendah-rendah. Paling kurang RM10,000

    Your eyes 'terjegil', your tounge 'meleleh' and
    you faint on the spot.
    "Where else in the world can I get extra money?", you
    say to yourself. But,
    because you are very determined to get married with
    your dream girl and in
    the name of love, you work really really hard
    that year until you are
    awarded "The Best Employee of The Year". You get 3
    months of bonus. You
    also do some side business to supply ayam pencen.
    So, roughly your net
    saving at the end of that year is RM20,000.

    Ok, now you are 27 years old with enough saving in
    the bank to pay for the
    dowry. But then, come your mom saying,"Anak mak nak
    kawin ni mesti la buat
    grand grand. Kita sewa khemah besar-besar, jemput
    penyanyi ke artis ke
    sorang dua datang buat persembahan. Lauk pauk kita
    cater aje la ya? RM10 je
    sekepala. Baju kawin ko, kita sewa yg cantik-cantik
    dan mahal-mahal sket.
    Kita jemput dalam 1000 orang datang ok?"

    You did a quick in-the-head-calculation,
    "1000xRM10=RM10,000, penyanyi
    lagi, khemah lagi, buta-buta je RM15,000!!! Tu
    tak masuk cincin kahwin
    You say,"Mak, nak buat apa membazir-bazir duit ni?"
    Your mom replies,"Apa pulak membazirnya? Kau kawin
    sekali je seumur hidup.
    Biarlah buat betul-betul."
    You insist,"Tapi mak?"
    Your mom says, "Dahlah, kau jangan nak buat malu mak.
    Cik Tipah jiran kita
    tu buat kenduri kat hotel siap dato, datin, tan sri
    puan sri lagi datang.
    Mana la mak nak letak muka kalau buat kenduri kecik

    Anyway, you finally get married. But, a beautiful
    happy life after marriage
    that you dream of with your wife does not last long.
    You have debts around
    your waist, interest gets higher every month,
    cannot afford to pay them,
    you wife gets tired of you asking money from her, she
    accuses you of being
    irresponsible husband for not being a good provider,
    blah blah blah? At the
    end, you two go into separate ways? You get divorced.

    Problem breeds problem? Sometimes we wonder why
    marriage institution is
    failing in our country. The above example may
    not represent the whole
    phenomena in our culture, but perhaps it gives
    us some ideas of the
    problems young couple these days are facing in
    getting married from my

    The Root Cause of The Problem...

    There is something wrong in our culture. I really
    think there are some
    practices in our culture in Malaysia (Malay culture
    specifically) that do
    not make sense and especially they are contrary to
    the teaching of Islam.
    These practices are well-rooted in our culture that
    unfortunately because
    of them, many people are 'afraid' to get married, or
    simply feel like they
    cannot afford when they are actually can afford.
    These are some of my
    observation and summary analysis:

    (1) Marriage should be done in the most modest way but
    in Malaysia, it is
    ought to be done in the most lavish way. Competition
    on whose wedding is
    the most grandeur is almost unavoidable. Fame is
    usually the reason why
    people spend unreasonable and wasteful amount of money
    for a wedding.

    (2) The "price" of a woman is measured according to
    her perhaps educational
    background, physical attributes and family social
    status not according to
    her knowledge and understanding of Deen and
    piety as suggested by the
    religion. The saddest thing is that "price" is
    put on women, who are
    supposed to be, if God-loving, kind-hearted and
    pious ones, "priceless"!
    'Dowry' system is adopted by the Malays from perhaps
    the Indians who came
    to Malaysia long time ago. When the 'dowry' is put
    too high and men can't
    afford to pay, marriage is usually delayed or
    cancelled. An effort to build
    another small brick unit of this Deen is delayed or
    perhaps destroyed only
    for this reason.

    (3) Marriage should be a quick and easy process for
    the couple not hard,
    which eventually becomes a burden. These days,
    we make marriage so
    complicated that people are afraid of getting
    married. When I was in the
    US, I saw Muslim brothers and sisters getting
    married at the mosque, with
    just some sweets as the main course for the
    guests. The guests who were
    invited to witness the ceremony were usually whoever
    prayed jemaah at the
    mosque or some close relatives and friends. There
    is no point of being
    extravagance. We should focus on the life after
    wedding not the wedding

    Wedding is only a door to the marriage house.
    Why should we spent a
    lot of money to decorate the door so
    beautifully, when the inside of
    the house is then left empty, dark and

    ...and the pressure is on men...

    Lainkali kalau mak asyik tanyer kaum lelaki " Bilerla kau nak kawin
    atau kau tanak kawin ker..?" patutker kiter ( kaum laki ) kasi artikel
    nih?? Hahahahahahahahaha............. ^_^

    ehehh.. hopefully aku x dpt problem nie..

    Sunday, January 01, 2006

    happy new year

    i wish u all the very best of luck.. may this year brings the happiness dat u seek..

    normally i don do any new year resolution.. its not typical astar..

    but this year i do hope dat i can clean all the mess dat i've caused lately.. may Allah guide ewa n i in our relationship.. hopefully we make the best decision based on all possible solution although it may not sound good.. but if its best way.. then x le kata ape laa

    i hope u guys understand our situation..

    i pray to God dat He shows us the right way, right path,, i pray to God dat He gives ewa the strength to get through all this,, n finish her studies.. afterall she is so close to the completion of her course..skit je lg..

    other than dat,, aku xde hope paper sgt dah.. just harap thn nie lg best dr last year n lead a better life

    Saturday, December 31, 2005

    last words for 2005

    ok.. this entry is published quite late.. sori arr..

    aku nak summarize all events dat happened throughout this year..

    overall.. thn nie adalah sgt x menarik.. agak membosankan..

    1. dis year i never went out of germany.. y?? sbbnyer aku buat 1st praktikal kat daimler... masa byk abeh kat situ..6 months.. aku pulak mase kat situ cam workaholic lak.. bukan aper.. tujuan nyer nak kmpl hour so dat bole abih awal.. tp kene abeh lmbt jugak sbb dekatlast2 ade workload yg sgt byk..ciss..

    by the time aku abeh praktikal.. budak dah ramai blk mesia.. xde saper pon kat ulm or anywhere near us.. yg ade pon x nak gik jln sbb xde duit..abeh jauh pon pg rheinfall..

    2. duit aku abeh cam waterfall.. amende aku buat?? for sure aku byk spend kat mkn.. tp badan x naik2 gak.. kl ckp kat org pon org x caya..

    3. aku buat praktikal kat stuttgart.. ulang alik dr ulm..which take 1h 45min total dr aku melangkah kuar umah, naik tren, naik trem, pastu masuk ofis.. pg blk 3jam30min.. ruginyer.. pd hal masa tu bole guna utk spend masa ngan ewa.. bile blk pon dah penat.. xde sgt sembang2 ngan dia..

    4. kaum kerabat aku dah berkurang sebanyak 4 org.. my granny Tok Yah passed away pas raya aritu.. (1912-2005) my god!! 93 thn.. panjang betul umur dia..but i believe she was very much older than dat.. org dl2 bukan betul sgt tulis thn lahir..maybe dah lahir 10-15thn earlier

    yenti's granny lak tgh thn nie dia pg..sedih la jugak.. sbb dia baik..kl ikut pangkat..dia sama ngan tahap ngan my mom..which makes me yenti's uncle..eheh pak lang muda.. anyway x lama pas dia ninggal.. her husband lak passed away..pas raya aritu gak.. then yenti's uncle passed away sbb accident..

    5. lately aku ade serious relationship issue ngan ewa.. remember 1st entry when i said i was mentally unstable right??..problems yg actually dah existed for some time finally emerged.. big time.. my fault to be exact.. we're currently working on dat.. ape resultnyer tu korang akan tau gak eventually..

    nice thing dat took place dis year ; hmm ape yek??

    1. aku dpt vordiplom (finally)

    2. i've proven to myself dat aku ekceli bole bgn awal if i have the get up or to not get up.. dats the question.. sbb time praktikal everyday aku bgn pkl 5:30pg so dat aku bole masuk keje 7:45.. so mean nak bgn pkl 7 to go class is not a big deal..

    eheh tp sem nie it turned out dat jumlah jari tgn aku lg byk dr jumlah hari yg aku pg kelas pkl 8pg..hari2 lain normally masuk kelas 2nd period..

    3. nothing else.. dats it

    ape lg nak tmbh?? if i remember anything then i add it up..

    Thursday, December 29, 2005


    at last hasrat aku utk buat driving license jerman yg dah tertangguh almost 3years since i came here, dah mula menampakkan sinar kenyataan bile 1st step utk dptkan license ni br jer aku buat td..

    question: apsal aku beria sgt nak buat lesen nie??

    answer: ntah la..xde sbb2 yg memaksa pon..maybe sbb aku suka tgk wallet aku..bile bukak jer byk btol doc/kad2 itu ini..buat kembung dompet..dl pon mase buat lesen mesia aku buat D n B full.. sesajer..manatau nnt kot kaya skit bole bawak motor besau.. siap ade hati nak buat lesen bas n lori.. ntah paper..

    Q: perlu sgt ker aku buat?? pakai ke kat sini??

    A: x perlu sgt pon.. aku pon jarang bawak kete.. for kl buat skarang at least x yah start all over from the beginning...yes u heard me right..start somewhere in the middle n save a lot of time n money

    Q: xle pakai ke lesen mesia?

    A: lesen kite nie just valid for d 1st 6 months jer.. pehtu dah xle guna

    Q: what about international license?

    A: we can use that license everywhere in EU except in Deutschland..diorang x least not int. license yg JPJ buat laa.. tp ade gak bebudak kite yg pakai.. selagi x kantoi ngan polis la of course.. hmm aku baca kat bah. forum dlm utusan .. student kita kat jepun pon ckp mende yg sama.. kene reject sbb int. license kite diorang ckp x ikut standard.. so wat to say arr?

    Q: ok.. say that aku nak buat lesen.. what do i need to 1st??

    A: get the following things ready : passport, m'sian dri. license, translation utk license, eye test (nak tau korang kene pakai spek or not), buat kursus 1st aid, gambar saiz passport, dptkan nama sekolah memandu n yuran 42,60€.. then give all this to Führerscheinstelle ( driving license dept.) dlm masa 3thn korang berada kat sini.. ( ini yg aku buat td.. my 3thn is almost up nx week)

    Q:why do i hv to give those things dlm mase 3thn??

    A: sbb dlm masa 3thn ni.. kl korang decide nak buat lesen.. x yah start dr awal(refer Q kat atas)
    e.g. x wajib buat latihan memandu(tp digalakkan buat few hrs so that kenal jln kat sini)

    Q: ok.. dah kasi dah ..then wat??

    A: wait for 6-8weeks utk process.. bile siap korang bole la ckp lat sek. memandu kata nak start buat theorytical & practical of course la kene studi undang2 dia dl

    ok so thats it for now..wat will happen during the test n baper kene bayar nnt aku kasi tau ok.. aku pon x sure sgt,, bile dah buat br la tau .. ok..

    Wednesday, December 28, 2005

    answering machine messages

    nie sumthing yg aku dpt kat emel aku..five funny
    answering machine messages (note: ade yg x sesuai utk
    bacaan kanak2) :

    (a). Hello, you've reached Jim and Sonya. We
    can't pick up the phone right now, because we're
    doing something we really enjoy. Sonya likes
    doing it up and down, and I like doing it left to
    right...real slowly. So leave a message, and when
    we're done brushing our teeth we'l! l get back to

    (b). Hi, this is John. If you are the phone
    company, I've already sent the money. If you are
    my parents, please send money. If you are my
    financial aid institution, you didn't lend me
    enough money. If you are my friends, you owe me
    money. If you are a female, don't worry, I have
    plenty of money.

    (c). Hi, I'm probably home, I'm just avoiding
    someone I don't like. Leave me a message, and if
    I don't call back, it's you.

    (d). Please leave a message. However, you have
    the right to remain silent. Everything you say
    will be recorded and will be used by us.

    (e). (Sexy female voice with heavy panting)..
    Hi,you've reached 555-3456. John is in... (sigh)
    Oh no, he's out... (aah) Yes, he's in again...
    (ooh) No he's out... (aah) Why don't you just
    leave your name and number and he'll call you as
    soon as he...comes

    hmmm..aku probably x pakai kut answering mashine..
    ye laa..hp kan ade..bole sms.. ehh ye x ye jugak.. bukan
    kat us diorang x pakai sgt kan hp nie .. ker?? wat do u
    guys think?

    Monday, December 26, 2005


    at last aku tau jugak baper adek aku dpt for her pmr.. last saturday tepon umah..tu pon dia xde.. biasale.. merayap, ape lg.. akak aku yg ckp baper result dia.. then smalam tepon lg.. dis time br ckp ngan adek aku..

    for normal people,, her result is ok la..not bad.. it's just personally i think she could do better than that... u ask me why??..

    well.. for one thing she has the same einstein's brain my elder sister has.. means lg pandai dr aku arr..

    tetapi..... sayangnyer.. she also has been infected wit the same desease that i suffered sejak azali lg.. apedia?? haa.. nama virus tuh ialah lazyius batcilusto malassus goddus .. or in common term is `virus malas tahap dewa´..

    the difference is.. we had our dad back then yg always tunggu kitorang wit rotan sakti taming sari.. dats y arr result kitorang ok..ckp la nak hidup...

    so cannot blame my lil sister at all.. kitorang pon salah gak..

    u see.. my sis is a growing up teenager like any other teens who needs constant attention from us yg dah grown up ( or nmpk mcm grown up).. since ayah dah xde nak tunggu dia cam kitorang dl.. so dat job is our responsibility now..

    tp aku kat cn..nun jauh kat tmpt omputeh..bro idup kat t'ganu, my elder sis dok kat alorsetar.. blk pon 2-3kali sebulan.. yd ade 24h pon is my my mom dah tua..x larat nak tegur bebyk kl..tu pon macam la dia dgr sgt..(just like me..wee... awat laa hang ikut aku??)..

    i asked her how she felt when she got her results.. a bit dissappointed she said.. n not enough study.. hmm.. aku pon dgr je laa.. nak buat caner...

    tp xpe ..pmr je.. doesn't bring anything much kl score pon.. xleh cari mkn pon.. lain la spm..

    i wish i could be there for her.. see her growing up as a teen..

    ok.. enough wit that.. karang nie targetnyer is spm n ke atas yg lg penting..

    nnt bile aku dah blk mesia n dpt keje dekat umah aku or anywhere near her study place,, aku nak soh dia dok kat umah aku so that aku bole tgk2kan dia hari2

    Sunday, December 25, 2005

    25 December : the day my dad left us

    Everyone in the world know that 25 Dezember is Christmas or Weihnachten, except those who still dok kat hutan la..

    But for me, it's the day seorang insan bernama Abdul Rahim b Hj Salleh left us to Rahmatullah..this person was my dad. He died in 2002 just 2-3weeks before aku berangkat menimba ilmu kat cn..

    now it has been 3years since he, this special entry is dedicated to ayah.

    first of all,, let me ceghita a bit about his life ok..
    • my dad was borned on 01.05.1946. about 1 year after ww2 ended, of which that date is later known as Hari Buruh..(tp aku xsure since when)
    • he was raised as normal kg in Tasek Junjong, Seberang Perai.anak bongsu from 4 siblings..went to primary school (tp aku x tau skolah ape..camle korang tau skolah parents korang) tp what i do know is dia hari2 jln 5-6km pgblk to school..basikal i think later br dia dpt
    • secondary at Bukit Mertajam High School kat Perai gak..premier school just like Penang Free School n MCKK.. cume x femes sgt je
    • smbg blaja kat Maktab Perguruan Kota Bahru , Kelantan.(i'm not too sure tp kat Ktan la)to be cikgu BM..well u know..zaman dl saper jd cikgu mmg org pndg tinggi laa..apetah lg cikgu's just bapak aku nie pendek jer org nyer..(aku je yg tinggi..dpt genetik moyang aku..people said)
    • kawen ngan my mom in 1970 atas pilihan famili..mak aku br 20years old time tuh.hmm dah kene kawen..
    • sepanjang diorang bersama,inila resultnyer: kak aishah(1971),daud (1974) me(1982) n peah(1990)..jarak kitorang agak jauh laa..
    • taught bm at various schools..last 2 schools is srjk(t) bukit mertajam, n srjk(t) perai..i know dat sbb aku dah ade kat dunia heran laa..apsal bapak aku nie suka sgt ngajar kat skolah india.. maybe edu.dept kot letak dia kat situ..
    • retired early in 1997 soon after kak aishah grad medic kat um..kata nye nak buat kebun laa, ladang laa..but sadly die x smpt tgk hasilnye..nnt la aku usahakan blk ladang kelapa sawit yg agak terbiar tuh..dusun toksah ckp laa..x nak beli kat tepi jln.nak sendirinyer..
    • in 2000-01doktor found out dat my dad ade kanser usus or sumwhere between perut n usus..slalu la lepak kl kat (previously)umah kak aishah nak berubat..doktor kate diorang pakai ubat chemo yg br.. tp xde beza pon aku tgk..ok kejap jer pastu kene admit blk..badan yg dl berisi dah jd kurus..i was even surprised to see him at dat org x mkn..ekceli mmg pon since bl mkn sumer muntah blk,harapkn simple food yg easily digestable nak beri tenaga..Allah jer yg tau betapa sayunyer aku tgk ayah aku camtu although dl mmg hate him
    • before this dia mmg ade sakit lemah jantung pon..slalu lepak kat IJN,he passed away sbb kanser la on 25 December 2002
    my dad was known as seorang yg sgt garang..kat umah, dialah raja..jgn la mandai2 bangkang ckp dia..when no, that means absolute no.

    tp biler dah naik remaja, dah reti skit( biasala..semangat remaja) i fought for my freedom ( dlm Braveheart lak), my teenage life wasn't a sweet one..

    when i was a kid..i saw my dad gaduh ngan my bro..then few years later it was my turn. we're like fire meet fire..xle jumpa..(bro..sowee if u're against me writing this) ..

    after all we are our dad's sons. received good genetics as well as bad one.(my bro received his stubbornness n me his bad temper tahap dewa tp karang x lg dah la..jgn la pulak korang lari dr aku nnt).

    apart from dat,my dad is very bertanggungjawab n rajin..x penah la aku skali pon lapar..(lapar twisties tu lain laa)

    every morning he wokes up early pehtu muncul kat kedai nak beli NST n beli makanan..kl ari skolah tu(time aku still primary) dia smpt nak beli bihun or nasi lemak je buat laa dia pon nak pg keje..

    tp bile weekend jer..haaa amik ko..nasi bungkus lauk kari ayam or nasi lemak 7-8 bungkus pehtu roti canai berlapis2..manader famili lain bl breakfast je terus bantai nasi stail nak mkn tghhari..

    but thanks to my mom's genetik kurus, aku xde la gemuk ala2 Giant dlm citer Doraemon or budak dlm citer Bad Santa although mkn cam x penah jumpe nasi.

    he was also byk ilmu n up-to-date la kl dah ari2 bc NST..BI die pon ok tp cos sumer takut, so xde saper nak blaja pape or practice BI ngan die.

    aku nie disuruh bc NST slalu, tp alih2 aku bc komik kat NST jer or ruangan TV hari ini..
    ( turnout BI aku not so bad la..comics pon dlm BI so kire blaja la gak tu)
    my mom ekceli fedup ngan dia so kekadang dia beli Utusan or BHarian..horee

    ~last days of his life~

    i remember time raya akhir 2002..not sure whether still posa or dah raya..i was in living room watching tv when my dad came out of his room n said dat dia nak gik toilet..

    he walked slowly with one hand on the wall so that dia bole jln. i starred at him kalau2 dia jatuh ke bile smp depan toilet je, aleh2 lantai dah basah..sbb dah xde bladder control..

    i nak tolong tp since my mom was there so she helped him n cleaned up the mess..

    sedih gak la time tu to see that ur once powerful man of the house tetibe jd camni (read: remember this part cos it'll play its roll later on)

    after raya my sis, her hubby n i blk to kl to resume our work..i had things to settle on too..few weeks later my mom called n told us dat ayah masuk hospital kami gegas la blk penang..

    we spend 2-3 days there..then on the day kitorang nak blk..(well my sis decided to stay for a while so her hubby n i je blk kl) nak visit ayah kat hospital..we didn't talked much..dia pon x larat nak least aku jengok la dia..

    but ayah did ask me bile nak pg jerman..and i replied: "dlm awal januari ni,,passport dah siap..tunggu visa je lg".. he could still remember bout that (read: not sure bile fly but around dat date)..x lama pastu bile kitorang nak blk kl i salam and cium tgn dia( the 1st n last time i did dat)
    (read:remember this part too)

    ~die pergi jua akhirnya~

    on 25 la cuti ptg tuh tu rasa boring so nak kuar..buat my sis ckp dont go..i asked why..dia ckp mlm nie kite nak blk ..mak br call ayah tgh i stayed..

    that night bile kitorang tgh siap nak sis's hp fon bunyi around 9:00pm..and later kak went out of her room n said to me : " hapis..ayah dah x dak dah tau"..

    i showed no reaction as if nothing happened..we went back to penang..sumer senyap car i sms everybody to tell dat ayah has passed away..bile smp umah around 1am..rumah senyap yg dtg awal td sumer dah blk except close famili..

    i went to his room n watched ayah's lifeless body atas katil covered with kain..i then sedekah surah for him.. my bro n his famili smp subuh..

    ~the next day~

    on the next day ayah dimandikan kt umah gak..i helped to prepare brg2 mandi..u know..kapur barus, limau kasturi etc..

    i still didn't show any sad emotion..then after dimandikan..he was wrapped with kain putih except head..

    then org masjid said; "sumer ahli keluarga dia yg nak cium dia utk kl terakhir boleh buat skarang" ..starting from my mom n then us siblings..i saw kak aishah already cried kat blk near ruang tamu nie..

    n when my turn came..i kissed forehead ayah..'tupp' .. the moment my lips touched his forehead..air mata terus mengalir,,terus rasa sebak n i ran to the kitchen as noboby was there..

    i cried for the 1st time sengsorang kat situ..after that i pulled myself out..wiped out my tears so dat nobody realises n then joined the crowd back..

    he was then disembahyangkan.i was quite surprised dat ramai sgt org turned up kat masjid, td kat rumah x ramai camtu.. later i was told dat ade jugak kematian kat tmpt lain dat sumer yg dtg stayed kat mesjid to pray for ayah pulak..."ayah sgt beruntung" i said..

    during pengebumian i actually turun kat lubang tu to help put ayah to his final resting place.. kite sumer pon last2 nak tinggal kat situ jugak kan while waiting for kiamat.

    ~since then~

    maybe some of you wondered if i ever think of my father since we had a not-so-nice father-son relationship..

    i always do..but so far there were 3 times that i really2 cried whenever i remember him

    first : everything was going fine till after 3 weeks after aku smp jerman nie..

    one night i had a that dream i saw my father came out from his room to go to toilet..exactly the same situation that i told u earlier..(read : last days of his life)..

    but this time he looked terribly awful..i wanted to helped him so dat i can papah him to toilet but i couldn't..

    i felt like i couldn't move n just watch him from afar..sedih sgt time tu dat cried in my dream..when i woke up i realised dat my tears was still shedding..which means i betul2 cry in reality while still dreaming..

    second : i already started actual class kat ulm nie when one day i had another dream..

    this time the situation is the one when i visited ayah for the last time at the hospital..(read: last days of his life)

    everything was also exactly the same..only that..when its time to say goodbye..i salam him and then he hugged me.. i was so shocked but nevertheless sad to know that he really loves me..

    i shed my tears in my dream..u know whatt....yess.. air mata betul2 ngalir..terharu pon ade..

    then aku bgn to start my everyday life..bgn pg, gosok gigi, mandi n stuff like that.. tetibe je for one sec .. i asked my self..hari ni hari ape?..

    then..haahhhhhh.... today is 1st May.. ayah's besday...

    what was that dream all about?? why did i have this dream on this particular day?? was roh ayah really came into my dream to meet his son?? bole ke camtu? i couldn't help but felt keesaan Allah that day

    third : this one x de mimpi was just one morning i woke up n teringat pasal ayah..

    n i remembered all the rude n stupid things dat i have while he was still alive..rasa berdosa sgt time tu.. so jd la blk drama swasta..ehhe.. menangis x berlagu kata org..

    nak buat camner..i cannot turn back time..

    i called mak n citer everything dgn suara tersebak2.. terasa penyesalan x terbatas tahap 7 petala langit.. i told mak how much i wanted to meet him again n mintak maaf..

    you see..ayah had a quarrel wit one of his sisters n was impolite (people said so) to her mother.. tp dat last raya diorang berbaik semula n sempat mintak ampun to her mom..n when he died, he passed away so easily tanpa sebarang rasa sakit n his burial went on without much problem..

    so i was thinking wat will happen to me nnt when my time comes..dat is one reason sbb ape i felt soo guilty. then mak calmly replied dat before ayah left, he said he forgives us for everything.. n he is so proud us four..

    when i heard she said feelings were all mixed up.. lg sedih, terharu, lega, etc..

    she added that if i missed him so much,,so sedekahla yassin for him,, dats at least we can do..

    both my atuks passed away long before i was born.. so i never know how it feels to have a atuk-cucu relationsship through the eyes of cucu..

    i had tok Yah jer (ayah's mom), tu pon tok yah nie x sporting pon eheh..(btw she passed away raya br2 nie.. so alfatihah to her too ,1912-2005) n my father-son relationship pon x bagus sgt.

    becos of dat..i sumtimes do get jealous whenever i watch films yg memaparkan kisah suka duka pasal atuk-ayah-anak that have hepi endings..

    well.. bende yg lepas biarlah berlalu..there is nothing dat we can do about it (unless kuar lg sorang Einstein gik cipta time machine) except ambil iktibar from it..

    so i promised myself a lot that when it's my turn to be a dad or atuk, i wont mess it up.. ever.. i will give my children/grandchildren the best a dad/atuk can offer..peace!! owhh..luper..1stly kene la buat anak dulu..eheh

    so for everyone out there yg still hv mom& daddy..hargailah everymoment yg korang ade dgn diorang..u'll never know when will the last time u can ever meet them.. or they meet u

    p/s : while there're a lot of people out there yg lg bernasib malang dr aku, at least dis is sumthing that happened to me... it's not my intention to meraih belas ihsan sesape..just sumthing yg aku nak citer, nak luahkan isi hati..orait??